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Greatest Love

*There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (I John 4:18)

*For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

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Love and Money

The modern day couple love investing and there are no preconceived notions of who earns the most money; that is the enlightened ones anyway. Gone are the days of medieval times where the wife stays home and the husband works three jobs to keep the family afloat and never heard about investing but did love each other anyway.

Now we are seeing that those who practice equality and fair sharing have a real sense of values for each contribution within the partnership.Every pay check has a preplanned distribution towards charity, retirement, emergency funds, daily living and recreation with a bonus plan in place for achievements.

There is a Greek proverb that goes like this: God gives the birds their food. But He does not throw it into their nests. Even squirrels plan for winter so they can enjoy the fun of flying through the trees.

The financial state of the world where homes are being foreclosed on brings to mind that many families have drifted away from their original plan of building a nest and gathering food for that nest. The blueprints were lost and so were they and if the couples of the world want to learn from this disaster it will behoove them to keep a close eye on the blueprints.

Since day one when John and Theresa realized that the future they talked about and dreamed together would only bear fruit as long as they stuck to their blueprints. Failures happen all the time and so they knew vigilance had to be a strong part of the plan and making sure their funds were paid first was an essential part of the exercise.

It seems that the financial services category drifted from their target too as it would seem that advisers were only interested in the commissions from the original transactions and not in developing relationships with their clients. This is a lesson too that self education in financial matters is an absolute priority especially with regards to life insurance and mutual funds, IRA'S and savings accounts.

If you are a couple planning your future together or a couple in the throes of your relationship it is just as essential to develop a financial strategy as it is to ensure you are physically and mentally growing together. Most of the relationship breakups are caused by financial matters and by starting on the right foot you will initiate a better balance.

Your future is a bill you get to pay in advance and if you neglect that future then it may not exist when the years add up. The advantages and the rewards of paying it in advance are in exact proportion to your commitment level in all aspects. Investing and interest are essential and love without interest is nothing; but combine love, investing and interest and you have a winning combination the envy of Wall St.

Please visit http://www.thomascummins.net

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